• The Modern Rules of Corporate

    By hrapf
    In April 1, 2014
    Mauris euismod, magna vel euismod placerat, arcu orci dignissim nisi, vel tempus erat lacus eu dolor. Etiam ac consectetur odio. Duis tristique auctor urna vel aliquet. Aliquam et lacinia enim, ac egestas tortor. Vestibulum suscipit, tortor id bibendum mattis, diam ante sollicitudin elit, ornare rutrum enim nibh eu nibh....
  • HRAPF joins challenge against Anti-Homosexuality Act 2014

    By hrapf
    In March 11, 2014
    On Blog
    Human Rights Awareness and promotion Forum (HRAPF) together with Prof. J Oloka – Onyango, Hon. Fox Odoi-Oywelowo, Andrew Mwenda, Prof. Morris Ogenga Latigo, Dr. Paul Nsubuga Semugoma, Jacquiline Kasha Nabagesera, Julian Pepe Onziema, Frank Mugisha and Center for Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) today filed a Constitutional Court Challenge...
  • Legality of Anti-Homosexuality Act 2014 challenged in Constitutional Court of Uganda

    By hrapf
    In March 11, 2014
    On Blog
    Human Rights Awareness and promotion Forum (HRAPF) together with Prof. J Oloka – Onyango, Hon. Fox Odoi-Oywelowo, Andrew Mwenda, Prof. Morris Ogenga Latigo, Dr. Paul Nsubuga Semugoma, Jacquiline Kasha Nabagesera, Julian Pepe Onziema, Frank Mugisha and Center for Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) today filed a Constitutional Court Challenge...
  • The Worlds Worst Themes Advice

    By hrapf
    In March 1, 2014
    Mauris euismod, magna vel euismod placerat, arcu orci dignissim nisi, vel tempus erat lacus eu dolor. Etiam ac consectetur odio. Duis tristique auctor urna vel aliquet. Aliquam et lacinia enim, ac egestas tortor. Vestibulum suscipit, tortor id bibendum mattis, diam ante sollicitudin elit, ornare rutrum enim nibh eu nibh....
  • President signs the Anti-Homosexuality Bill into law

    By hrapf
    In February 25, 2014
    On Blog
    On 24th February 2014, President Museveni finally signed the controversial Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009 into law. The law that is now known as the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2014 is a more specific criminalization of same sex relations compared to what already existed in section 145 of the Penal Code Act. The...