• Worst Corporate Mistakes and How to Fix Them

    By hrapf
    In September 1, 2013
    Mauris euismod, magna vel euismod placerat, arcu orci dignissim nisi, vel tempus erat lacus eu dolor. Etiam ac consectetur odio. Duis tristique auctor urna vel aliquet. Aliquam et lacinia enim, ac egestas tortor. Vestibulum suscipit, tortor id bibendum mattis, diam ante sollicitudin elit, ornare rutrum enim nibh eu nibh....
  • Ugandan Parliament Passes a New Law that Attacks the Right to Freedom of Assembly and Expression

    By hrapf
    In August 13, 2013
    On Blog
    The 9th Parliament recently passed the Public Order Management Bill amidst cries from opposition political parties and civil society that the bill should not be passed. The law undermines the enjoyment of human rights- freedom of assembly and expression among others and limits the citizen’s role in governance and...
  • Crucial Tactics for Bussiness

    By hrapf
    In August 1, 2013
    Mauris euismod, magna vel euismod placerat, arcu orci dignissim nisi, vel tempus erat lacus eu dolor. Etiam ac consectetur odio. Duis tristique auctor urna vel aliquet. Aliquam et lacinia enim, ac egestas tortor. Vestibulum suscipit, tortor id bibendum mattis, diam ante sollicitudin elit, ornare rutrum enim nibh eu nibh....
  • Civil Society Speaks Out On The Delayed Ruling In The Case Of Jjuko Adrian Vs. Attorney General.

    By hrapf
    In July 23, 2013
    On News
    Today over 20 civil society organizations (both national and international) led by Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum-Uganda (HRAPF) have delivered a petition to the Constitutional Court. Although the Registrar has refused to receive the petition in person, the group has filed the petition with the registry at the...
  • Widows and orphans infected and affected by HIV AIDS in Kiboga district appealed for assistance from HRAPF

    By hrapf
    In July 8, 2013
    On News
    HIV and AIDS widows and orphans in Kiboga district are appealing for assistance from human rights defenders to pursue legal redress against property ownership rights violations. Find more information on the link below http://ugandaradionetwork.com/a/story.php?s=4457