Hrapf’s Annual Staff Retreat 2021

By hrapf
In January 21, 2021


As it is HRAPF custom yearly, HRAPF held her unprecedented annual staff retreat early this year to kick start the working year 2021. Unlike recent retreats, where we would go out of town to unwind and plan away from the hustle and bustle of town, we had our 2021 staff retreat at our new home, The HRAPF house.

The retreat was an opportunity to step away from day-to-day work to celebrate our past year’s success, reflect on working relationships, reorient staff on HRAPF culture, goals, and objectives as well as gather staff input on ways to improve our organization.

The main facilitator during the retreat was Dr. Adrian Jjuuko the Executive Director of HRAPF. He was supported by members of the executive team who shared updates on the progress of the various projects and programme areas like Access to Justice, Research and Advocacy, Community Capacity Enhancement, and Institutional development.

Day One of the retreat featured a reflection and review session on HRAPF’s vision, mission, values, culture, and history. The various units/departments also shared their previous year’s achievements.

One of the major highlights of Day Two was the inspirational talk on the art of getting things done and acceptable conduct by supervisors that was led by Dr. Jjuuko. He shared how to be productive by using the Stephen Covey Time quadrant, the importance of cultivating a healthy supervisor-supervisee relationship in the workplace and also facilitated a personality exercise where all staff members took part in a personality poll to discover their strengths. He emphasized the importance of concentrating on one’s strengths and building on them rather than concentrating on one’s weaknesses. The day was concluded by the Finance, Human Resource, and Security unit heads whose sessions were aimed at reacquainting staff with the organizational policies and procedures.

Day Three was aimed at discussing the HRAPF’s institutional work plan and Budget. During these sessions, various programmes got together to design their annual work plans and budgets for 2021. To foster team building and cohesion, staff participated in team-building activities like dancing, peer introductions and personality strength tests which were a great opportunity to learn from, and about, one another.  The day ended on a high note with a group dance to the popular “Kachumbali song”

The retreat was concluded by the Executive Director, Dr. Adrian Jjuuko who answered any queries from staff. He also appreciated all the staff for their contributions to the HRAPF mission and vision and urged them to incorporate their learnings from the retreat into the new work year.

Despite being scientific, the retreat was a resounding success that provided an opportunity for staff to learn from and about one another, for management to address pertinent managerial and administrative issues as well as clarify the HRAPF culture, mission, and vision.

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