Civil Society Speaks Out On The Delayed Ruling In The Case Of Jjuko Adrian Vs. Attorney General.

By hrapf
In July 23, 2013
On News

Today over 20 civil society organizations (both national and international) led by Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum-Uganda (HRAPF) have delivered a petition to the Constitutional Court. Although the Registrar has refused to receive the petition in person, the group has filed the petition with the registry at the Court. The petition asks the court to deliver the ruling in the case of Jjuuko Adrian vs. Attorney General, Constitutional Petition No.1 of 2009.  This ruling has been pending since 3rd October 2011 when the case was heard.

They argued that since the petition concerns a broad spectrum of human rights of marginalised groups, the delay in disposing of this case is not only affecting their access to the Equal Opportunities Commission, an institution created to serve them, but also denying them the enjoyment of many other rights that are vested with them by virtue of being human.

However, civil society has been dismayed by the fact that the registrar has not given them audience. The registrar has not honored the appointment they had set with him some time back and confirmed yesterday 22nd July 2013. After waiting from 10:00am to 11:30am, when he came, he asked the group of its agenda and told them that he could not set a precedent by giving them audience because the whole public would now start coming to the court to complain.

The team has agreed to hold a press conference this week to air out their views on the whole activity and how the registrar treated them.

For more information read the petition and press release.

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